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Group Classes

Where we learn together as a group and get our hands dirty in the process. We will go over some basic points of Cook to Lives philosophy and how to incorporate it in your day to day life while also staying in budget. 

What We Offer:
  • Intro to Cook to Live

  • Group Discussion on why it's important to eat this way

  • Interactive cooking demonstration

  • Customized instructions on what to eat for personal health issues

  • Handouts

One on One

Where we work one on one to customize strategies on how to improve your life. I will come into your house and we will work together to find solutions that work best for your lifestyle.  

What We Offer:
  • Intro to Cook to Live

  • Evalution of your current cooking style

  • Individualized meal ideas

  • one on one instructions on creating meals customized for your life

  • Handouts

Teachers an Student
Teachers & Students

We are a vendor for New York Public Schools and can be hired for both professional development workshops for your teachers or to work with your student in class or after school

Professional Development 

Where we will train leaders on how to bring the principles of Cook To Live to their community. 

What We Offer:
  • Intro to Cook to Live

  • Group Discussion on why it's important to eat this way

  • Interactive activities tools on how to bring this philosophy to your community

  • Handouts

Children's Classes 

Where we work with students from elementary to high school to teach them the fundamental of healthy living through nutrition and movement. 

What We Offer:
  • Intro to Cook to Live

  • Organic Sustainability.

  • Scientific experiments

  • Biological elements of health and nutrition 

Types of Curriculum 
  • Fit for Life

  • Scientific Exploration​

  • Health and Nutrition

Adult and children's classes can  also include movement and dance with Fusha Dance 

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